• Photography

    DSL…ARG! Mirrorless and DSLR Basics

    DSL…ARG! DSLR (and now mirrorless) cameras can be overwhelming at first. For years, I was happy with my light and portable point-and-shoot camera. DSLR cameras, on the other hand, were heavy and bulky. For me, the mirrorless camera has been a great solution. By removing the mirror from the camera, you reduce the size and weight of the overall camera substantially. However, all of the technical settings remain the same. To even take a photo, you have to adjust multiple different settings. If something changes (you walk into a different room, the sun goes behind a cloud) you may have to change one or more settings! Where do you even…

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  • Photography

    Mackenzie 02/04/2018

    Editing photos is a looooonnnngggg job!Luckily, Mackenzie is a natural model and she gets her beauty, inside and out, from her mom. I can’t believe Caitlin has been my friend and coworker for nearly 5 years now. She and her husband Michael were beaming with love the whole afternoon. Little Mackenzie is in good hands with these naturals. Here’s a sneak preview of this newly expanded family’s photo shoot!!!

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  • Photography

    Trial and “Air”

    My husband and I were casually trying to get pregnant in 2014 when we booked our first cruise to Bermuda. A few days before we were to set sail, we realized that we had no camera. My old point-and-shoot had been lost a few years earlier (which still makes me mad because that the was best camera, and I never lose anything!). In the era of cell phone cameras, I just hadn’t needed a standalone camera. I had survived both Y2K and my grandmother’s fears that her refrigerator was going to explode, but I was skeptical that a phone-based camera would perform well in a foreign land. Hoping we’d be…

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