Breast Pumps

Pump, Pump, Pump It Up

Speaking of Pumps, there are two main pumps I usually see women choosing. The Medela Pump In Style (PISA) is covered by most insurances. The “Advanced” style includes a carrying bag and cost more through my insurance (the pump itself was completely free). If you don’t want to buy a more expensive pump bag, you might way to spend the extra money and order the Advance through your insurance. The pump itself is a “open system”

Standard Insurance Kit

pump, meaning you’ll need a new one with each baby (the open system means that milk can get into the gears and motor and cause mold after extended use). It’s not sexy and has no features, but it’s easy to use and is a work horse. Designed to work well on the go, it sits in its own box and has all the controls on one side of its face. Parts are easy to come by and relatively cheap. Medela branded parts are carried by major baby stores (and even my local Walgreens), and you can find off-brand compatible parts easily on Amazon.

The other popular pump is the Spectra S2. This is a closed system pump, meaning you can share it among users and use it for multiple births (no milk enters the system itself preventing mold from growing over time). The Spectra has a battery backup, independent speed and strength controls, lifetime pumping minutes counter, back light, and is just cute. I saw one of these in action at my weekly lactation support meeting once

Spectra S2 is the pump I would get if I could go back.

and was in awe! My Medela worked its butt off for over a year and doesn’t owe me a dime, but if I had to do it again, I’d probably get the Spectra. For a first baby, The Spectra would also allow you to save it as a back-up-pump for any future children since it’s a closed system. It’s also half the price as the Medela, so if my insurance didn’t cover a breast pump, I’d definitely get the Spectra. 


So, my advice: check your insurance. At press time, breast pumps are still covered by insurance so see what you can get from them first.